Friday, October 31, 2008

Rocky Road

Birdman, Aerobinator and The Fat Cat got out for a cross bike adventure on Thursday The whole thing was one big photo op annd would have taken all day, had they indulged. There were long steep climbs on dirt roads, dead end thickets, Liver lacerating descents that left the family jewels feeling like the speedbags at Mick's Gym and even some redneck, bald tire bowling down Darnell Hollow Lanes. Things even got a little scary in the back woods. There's no feeling like the one you get when a pitbull rushes you from some deliverance shack until his nose touches your leg. He finally responded to the meanest voice The Fat Cat could muster. It was easy to see why when the owner threw a boulder at the beast. At least he wasn't wearing lipstick (the dog or the owner.) That's all I've got time for.

1 comment:

bluecolnago said...

i hate mean dogs chasing bikes.